7 Tips for Stronger Erections

7 Tips for Stronger Erections


It’s a tricky topic to talk about. For many men who have trouble maintaining a strong erection, it’s just too embarrassing to mention.


That’s why, even though around 30 million men in the United States struggle with erection problems in some form, so many suffer in silence.


But in fact there are simple, safe strategies you can use that may help strengthen your erection. Here are 7 everyday tips that could help get things moving in the right direction.

Tip 1: Watch what you eat

Getting a solid erection is all about good blood flow. So anything that’s bad for your vascular system is also bad for your bedroom performance.


A diet that includes lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat and fish, and heart-healthy fats like nuts and olive oil, is the best for keeping cholesterol and blood pressure under control, and keeping blood vessels healthy—including those bringing blood to the penis. (And recent research has shown that men eating a ‘Mediterranean-style’ diet like this are less likely to have erection problems.)


Maintaining a healthy weight is also key. Obesity itself can bring down testosterone levels, and type 2 diabetes, which is linked with being overweight, not only accelerates arterial disease (bad for blood flow), it also slows down nerve transmission, which can make erections elusive.


If it’s too late to avoid diabetes, be vigilant in checking and controlling your blood sugar—recent Italian study, men who are careless about controlling their levels a higher chance of major erection problems than those who stay on top of things.

Tip 2: Get up and move!

Nothing encourages blood flow like aerobic exercise. Exercise also builds the body’s nitric oxide, which is what stimulates the erectile tissue in the penis.


Things like running and swimming definitely help with erection problems – but you might want to think twice about doing a lot of cycling. The blood vessels and nerves supplying the penis can suffer when there’s a lot of pressure on the perineum (the area between the scrotum and anus)—so if you do want to spend time on a bike, make sure your saddle fits comfortably, wear padded cycling pants and be sure to stand up frequently to stop things getting numb!


Even walking is great—researchers have found that walking just 2 miles a day can significantly reduce ED risk.

Tip 3: Ditch the cigarettes

Researchers at the University of Kentucky asked men to rate their sex lives on a scale of 1 to 10. They found that, while men who smoked averaged a disappointing 5, nonsmokers rated their bedroom satisfaction at a super-healthy 9.


Smoking sabotages your performance in several ways. Cigarettes not only damage your vascular system outright, but nicotine also makes blood vessels contract, so blood just can’t pump through to the penis as it should. What’s more, smoking may make penile tissue less elastic and prevent it from stretching.


If you ever needed (another) good reason to quit, surely this is it!

Tip 4: Cut down on drinking

There’s no evidence that moderate alcohol consumption is bad for erectile function—but long-term heavy drinking can definitely cause nerve damage and hormonal imbalances that lead to performance problems.


And in the short term, a big dose of booze acts as a depressant on the nervous system—which can pull the plug on sexy-time arousal.


Best to keep it to two drinks a day, maximum—especially on date night—to give yourself the best chance in the bedroom.

Tip 5: Don’t give up your morning Joe

Coffee can help, surprisingly. Researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston found that men who drank 2 to 3 cups of coffee per day were less likely to suffer from erection problems than those who chose caffeine-free drinks.

Tip 6: Decompress and destress

Stress is definitely bad news for an erection. Not only does psychological upset mess with performance from an emotional standpoint, but the hiked adrenaline levels that go with it make blood vessels contract—and, once again, restricted flow means no-go.


So anything you can do to ease tension and feel better emotionally is likely to give your sex life a boost. Many men find meditation, yoga (great for circulation too!) and even acupuncture help them relax enough to reduce their erection problems.

Tip 7: Get your snooze on

Did you know that every night while you sleep you have up to five erections, each up to an hour long? Those erections are ‘recharging’ your penis—keeping it healthy and well-nourished with oxygenated blood. So it seems the more shut-eye you get, the happier your penis will be!


And on your way to bed, have a good yawn. Yawning and getting an erection are both controlled by nitric oxide, released in the brain—so a big yawn can actually cause a bit of a lift below the belt!


If you’re still struggling, don’t worry. There are other super-effective treatments that could help you—without drugs, surgery or needles. Contact Evolution Medical Group to talk to one of our specialists about safe, groundbreaking procedures like acoustic wave therapy and bioidentical hormone therapy, that could transform your life.